Story Tree
A designed process to gradually encourage children to express themselves and create their own stories.
FALL 2021 (Edited in 2022)
Individual Work
The concept of Story Tree is to create an open-end storytelling experience for children, with both physical and digital resources.
The process is thoughtfully designed to guide children from listening to retelling, and finally being able to create their own stories and.
In the process, children can become creative, think independently and master communication skills.
Through the process of learning how to tell their own stories, children can excercise their imagination and expression ability. It guides them to develop the habit of thinking and creating, and establish a closer family relationship through parent-child interaction.
It is workable for little kids (4-6) and older group to improve their physical, congnitive and emotional abilities.
Educational kit for kids' self expressing

In the market today, the vinegar aisle is saturated with products that, for the most part, have no specific use in mind. With the rise in popularity of the pickling process and no presence of a vinegar brand with a specified use, we found an opportunity to create a pickling vinegar brand and package, specific to the process.

"I found that in writing practice, what students lack most is not writing skills, but ideas.
They do not know what to write or how to express."
------------------- Based on my interview
with a primary school teacher
So what's the pain point here is how do we help kids practice their thinking and expressing skills.
What do we really practice?
Physical: Practice making things, drawing, writing, and cutting.
Cognitive: Ecploring, making, creating.
Problem-solving and practicing their expression
Practice logical thinking.
Social/Emotional: Learning different emotions through stories and understanding better when they make their own stories.
Develop their empathy.

With the benchmark research, I developed the idea of introducing digital device to the project.
Through to the reserch, I found that parents do worry that spending too much time on electronic products. However, instead of prohibiting children from contacting the digital world, we should pay more attention to how to use the advantages of the digital world to create a better environment for them to grow because that's part of the future.


Color choosing and form developing
Color always makes people feel happy but difficult to choose. I tried to use more natural colors to match human skin, but I believe that children are more attracted to bright colors. (And close to skin tone makes the character look naked)
At the same time, I keep the shape more abstract, giving more space for imagination and creation.

Three stages of children's learning process
This is one of the most critical steps.
Here, I have determined the process of users from contacting the product, starting to use the product, advancing, and finally achieving the purpose of the product. For children who are the primary users, three learning stages and corresponding usage methods are defined. For parents who help children learn using products, suggestions are provided for different stages of participation.


By telling stories, exercising children's imagination and expression ability, guiding them to develop the habit of thinking and creating, and establishing a closer family relationship through parent-child interaction.
It is workable for little kids (4-6) and older group to improve their physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities.


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